A Room with a Beautiful View

Planning A Fan Convention: The Basics

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Fan conventions are enjoyable events that can surround nearly anything in popular culture. Comics and science fiction are well-known convention types, but there are also conventions for everyone from board game players to hobbyists, like droid fliers. If there isn’t a con in your area that reflects your passion, consider starting one. The following guide can get you started. Step 1: Locate your audience Most first year conventions are relatively small and primarily draw from local crowds – or those within driving distance. Read More»

Check On These Things Before Your Next Hotel Visit If You Are A Runner

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If you’re an avid runner, you likely don’t take time off from your workout when you’re out of town on business or on vacation. While running on the treadmill in the athletic center of a hotel might be pleasing to some runners, others prefer getting outside and pounding the pavement. If you’re getting ready for an upcoming trip during which you’ll be staying at a hotel, there are a number of things that are useful to check in advance. Read More»

When Resorts And Hotels Compete With Over-The-Top Amenities, Guests Are The Winners

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These days, it may be tempting to think that customer service is just a thing of the past, especially with many airlines paring down legroom and upping fees for extras that used to be free. But many hotels and resorts have gone in the opposite direction, offering lavish amenities for their best customers. Check out these perks that you may want to ask about next time you book a room at your favorite destination. Read More»

Types Of Accommodation For Families Of Five Or More On Vacation

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Anyone who’s ever tried to go on vacation and find accommodations for families with five or more people has quickly realized this isn’t an easy feat to master, especially if you’re on a budget. Most hotel rooms only allow four people. There are a few options, however, for these larger families. Family Suites One popular option often available in larger cities with certain hotels is the family suite.Family suites take a few different forms, but typically offer enough beds to sleep at least five people. Read More»

Effective Ways To Deal With A Noisy Hotel Guest Beside You

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When you’ve had a long day of traveling and are ready to get to bed early, the last thing you want is for the people in the hotel room next to you to be noisy. If the noise is taking place before the hotel’s enforced quiet hours, you don’t necessarily need to get a staff member involved — although that may be your final option if some other strategies don’t pan out. Read More»